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Radiofrequency Facial Skin Tightening

Aug 4

Radiofrequency Facial Skin Tightening


What makes a person’s face look younger or older involves a number of different variables. Skin texture, tone, color, wrinkles, loss of volume, and sagging are some of the main concerns for skin that doesn’t look as youthful as before. The last of those – sagging – happens because collagen, the structural support of your skin, diminishes over time.

But there is good news! With new revolutionary techniques, we are able to help tighten skin and delay the need for surgical tightening procedures. Non-invasive treatments are the number one option for our clients and the most popular is our Viora Radio Frequency “ReLift” treatment.

Radiofrequency skin tightening (RF) is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and the production of new collagen and elastin. The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries. Many in San Antonio call it a Photo Facial.

Are sagging skin and local fat in the facial and neck areas affecting your face’s natural shape?

Viora ReLift treatments are a quick and effective non-surgical solution!

Suitable for all skin types and with no anesthesia required, Viora’s CORE technology shrinks fat cell volume, enhances blood circulation throughout the treatment area, and much more. Significant results include skin elasticity restoration and a tighter and smoother appearance.

Regain your youthful appearance with Viora ReLift Treatments

At an affordable price and with no recovery time, you can undergo Viora ReLift treatments that are so quick, they can be completed over a lunch break. Designed for ultimate convenience and comfort, ReLift treatments are pain-free and will make you look and feel years younger.

Viora’s five-star technology works to deliver the lifting and tightening results you’re looking for in the most natural way – with no pain, side effects or injections.

Features and Benefits:

Clinically proven state of the art treatments

Safe and painless with no downtime

Little to no recovery time

Minimal risk of infection or scarring

Extremely natural-looking results