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How to Avoid Dry Winter Skin? 7 Tips & Tricks to Help!

Nov 8

Our skin is our body's largest organ, and it needs moisture to stay healthy. With the winter months coming up, many of us are experiencing dry skin due to colder temperatures and indoor heating.

7 Tips & Tricks to Avoid Dry Winter Skin

It's not inevitable to have dry winter skin. You can keep your skin healthy and glowing by making small changes to your skin care routine and habits. Let's look at 7 tips to improve the skin health during the colder months.

1. After washing, moisturize

Your skin loses its natural oils every time you wash it, whether your face, hands or body. These oils are essential to retain moisture so it is important to replenish them. It is important to use a moisturizer every time you wash your face, especially in winter.

2. Sunscreen should be applied daily

It can be tempting to skip sunscreen due to shorter winter days and lower sunlight. But think again. Even in winter, UV light can still cause skin damage, which can lead to skin hydration and skin health problems.

After you have applied moisturizer, apply sunscreen every morning.

3. Apply overnight treatments

The best way to prevent dry skin is with overnight treatments. Emollients can be used to moisturize. Emollients are a heavier cream and may take longer to absorb into the skin.

Applying an emollient to the skin over night will allow it to absorb it and give it the chance to nourish your skin with the oils and moisture it requires. Wrapping your feet in an ointment or cream on your hands and feet will prevent it from spreading to your sheets or bedding.

4. Modify your skin care routine

You might want to simplify your skin care routine if your skin seems particularly sensitive or irritated from the dry winter air. Remember that serums, toners and other beauty treatments can only be effective if your skin has a healthy moisture barrier.

Your skin may be more sensitive to alcohol and fragrance if it is inflamed. Products that you would normally love to use on your skin can become irritating. Keep your skin care routine simple. Use a sunscreen and moisturizer in the morning and a mild cleanser with a moisturizer at bedtime.

You can gradually add other treatments to your routine once you are confident about your skin's ability to maintain its moisture barrier.

5. Use a humidifier

Humidifiers add moisture to the air. This is especially useful when indoor heating is turned up during winter months. Humidifiers can be used to increase the moisture content of the air, which may act as a natural moisturizing agent, which in turn may help prevent or relieve skin dryness.

Harvard Health Publishing states that a humidifier set at 60 percent in winter can replenish moisture to the skin's top layer.

6. Reduce the temperature

It can be very soothing to take a hot bath or shower at the end of a cold winter day. You may need to keep the water temperature at a more comfortable level to nourish your skin.

After showering or bathing, dry your skin with a soft towel. Instead of rubbing your skin vigorously, use a soft towel to gently pat the skin. This may help retain some moisture and hydrate your top layer.

7. Take it easy with scrubs and exfoliants

Exfoliation is a method that removes dead skin cells from your skin's surface. It can keep your skin smooth and bright. It is possible to overexfoliate your face if you use the wrong products or do it too often.

You may prefer a gentle chemical exfoliant to a physical scrub if your skin is dry and flaky. Larger particles and scrubs that are more aggressive may cause skin damage. Avoid exfoliating your skin until it has healed from irritation, cracks, or raw skin may be a good idea.

Learn all about prevent dry winter hands here: