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Cold Water Exposure Controlled

Oct 8

Cold thermogenesis, also known as controlled cold water exposure (CT), is another name for cold thermogenesis. Cold thermogenesis (CT) is the intentional exposure of the body to cold water for short periods to trigger adaptive, positive responses. Thermogenesis, which is the way our bodies generate heat to keep us warm when we're faced with cold, is also known as thermogenesis. Cold thermogenesis activates this process. Your body is more efficient at maintaining a stable internal temperature when you are in cold conditions. This can stimulate fat breakdown, metabolism, mitochondrial functions, neurotransmitters release in brain, dopamine and hormones related to body temperature regulation, such as norepinephrine or epinephrine.


Cold thermogenesis refers when you expose your body to cold in order for your body heat up. This activates mitochondria and allows your body brown fat to be burned. The Greek term "thermogenesis" (which means heat) and the Greek phrase "genesis" (which means the "beginning") are both the sources of the term. Cold thermogenesis literally stands for "cold temperature that generates heating." Your body fat plays a key role in the production or heat. Simply put your body fat provides the fuel for the body when you expose yourself cold.



Mammals are cold-adapted. Our evolution has seen us survive many different ice age. Cold exposes the body to physiologic reactions like burning white fat to generate heat. This helps to maintain thermal balance. Cold thermogenesis has antidepressant and anti-inflammatory effects. Edison and Tesla have been the only ones to help us become more comfortable. NASA, US Olympic medical sports medicine, US military and top universities around world have used the body’s ability for adaptation to the cold. Our bodies have the ability to regulate their own temperature using mitochondrial stimulation. Brown adipose, also known as BAT (or brown adipose) is found in the body. It is rich with mitochondria. When exposed to controlled temperature, BAT uses white fat adipose tissue as fuel. Research has shown that cold thermogenesis is able to enhance muscle recovery, increase immunity, and improve brain performance.



The powerhouse of cells is mitochondria, as you may have learned from biology class. Mitochondria create most of the biochemical energy needed to power the cell. When exposed to cold, they heat us up and increase our nanomotor output up up to 9000 rpms. Cold exposure is the prime activator in brown fat. Brown fat, which is healthier than white fat, is not linked to metabolic diseases. White fat, the type most people desire to reduce, is located around their organs. Your body works hard for homeostasis. A 100g dose of BAT can generate 3,400 calories per hour when fully activated with cold exposure.



Our cold adaptation sessions use full body immersion in order to activate your forgotten ancestral physiological system. For best results, we work at the temperature you can handle. This is far more efficient than cool sculpture, which uses frozen steel at -11C for pinching your skin or cryotherapy, that uses -250F of gas. Full immersion activates fat burning throughout the body. This is not possible with cool sculpture. Liquid conducts cold more effectively than gas. For example, a liquid at 50F will last for 23.5 minutes while gas at -250F takes 4 minutes. While cold sessions may be challenging at first, they can quickly become addictive. The first 20-30seconds of the cold session are the most challenging. Your body will soon adapt. Once the brain has overcome the shock of the cold, most people feel more comfortable with the experience and can enjoy the energy and calm that it offers. Cold thermogenesis boosts energy, decreases body weight, increases mental and body resilience, lowers inflammation throughout body, helps to develop discipline and create positive health practices, improves mood, calmness & alertness. Cold thermogenesis helps you to sleep better at night, which can make it easier for you to live a happy, healthy life.



1. J Clin Invest. 2013 Aug 1; 123(8): 3395-3403.

2. N Am J Med Sci. 2014 May; 6(5): 199-209.

3. Kerney and Scott: What Doesn’t Kill Us?

4. Dr. Jack Kruse, Epi Paleo Rex

5. Cold and Exercise: Therapeutic Tools to Activate Brown Adipose Tissue and Combat Obesity

