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Best organic Haritaki

May 17

What to avoid in taking haritaki:

  1. Stong intestinal cleansing, which if you take too much too soon can lead to many visits to the bathroom. So start off with small amounts such as one capsule or 1/4 teaspoon of powder, and then increase
  2.  Horrific taste, so take with orange juice or take capsules. The taste can be so off putting that some people become discouraged and miss out on the huge benefis.
  3. Sexual issues if taken with drugs, or if the body is really run down. Haritaki comes from the fruit of a tree found in India and South East Asia.
  4. The fruit is harvested in november and dried to make powder. ORDER FROM AMAZON HERE Benefits of haritaki: Increased brain function constipation relief increased energy weight loss You can order from here: https://haritaki-yogic-super-brain-fo...