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Signs You Need a Water Heater Repair

Apr 23

Water heaters are an essential part of daily life. As with all appliances, water heaters will need maintenance.

It is essential to spot a problem with the water heater. Not only can you prevent water loss, but your tank and tankless heaters will last longer.

Here's how to determine if your water heater requires repair.

1. Your water heater is leaning

The outside condensation of your heater's water heater is quite normal. It's a reaction that depends on water temperature and room location. A steady drip down the sides of the heater or a puddle at the base should alarm you.

The metal expands when heated. This can lead to a leak or a loss of strength. Leakage can have many consequences. The location of the unit can cause damage to carpet or other flooring, and items around the water heater.

A plumbing professional can inspect your entire unit and determine the source of the water leakage.

2. Rust-Colored Hot Wasser

If you notice rusty water despite the high temperature, this could indicate a problem in the water tank. The heater pole is made out of metal and can rust. Rust in your water could pose potential health risks. You should immediately call a plumber if your water appears to be rusty.

The water heater could also be causing cloudy water. You can test it by pouring water into a clear glass. It is also worth sniffing for metallic smells.

Mineral deposits can create many of these issues. Rust can indicate a deeper problem. If you notice rust when cold water runs, then it's likely that the problem is in your pipes.

3. No hot water

This is perhaps the most obvious reason for water heater repair. The unit's primary function heats water and then pass it to the faucet or showerhead. Hot water that isn't heating or reaching lukewarm quickly should be called an expert water heater technician.

You may also have other reasons for poor performance. Your heater will not release hot water if it is set to a lower temperature. There may be something more wrong with your water heater if it is running out of water quicker than normal. This could be damage to the element or burner that will likely lead to higher energy bills.

Also, low water pressure may indicate an issue. Blocking pipes can be caused by mineral deposits, which are a result of frequent use. A blocked pipe can result in reduced water pressure. However, it is often possible to resolve the problem by performing a deep cleaning.

When to Replace Your Water Heater

Sometimes, a repair may not be enough to restore your water heater's functionality. It could be that you are spending too much money on repair after repair, which doesn't seem like it will solve the problem. If this is true, it might be time to replace the water heater. It is a good idea to plan for a replacement if the unit is more than ten years old.

A new water heater can offer many benefits including increased efficiency and improved performance. (If you don't want to use a tankless heater, you may be able to.

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