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The Result-Oriented Couples Therapy Solutions

Mar 21

Whenever your relationship is on the brink of falling apart, you need an urgent solution to get it back on the right track. While many solutions are available, Couples Therapy Retreats stand out among others. An Affair of the Heart offers professional Therapy Retreats upon request. Couples therapy retreats are better than weekly therapies for the following reasons.

Shorter Healing Time

An intensive couples retreat lasts about 3-5 days and delivers the most desirable result. Only the other hand, you’ll require up to 52 weeks to achieve the same results if you opt for a weekly session. An Affair of the Heart has an inclusive package for couples therapy retreats. We will help you achieve a remarkable transformation in your marriage in just five days.

Full Attention from Your Therapist

Unlike weekly sessions that sometimes happen online, couples therapy retreats guarantee full attention from your assigned coach. At An Affair of the Heart, we ensure you interact with your therapist every day of the week, from morning to evening. Thus, you won’t lose time due to a shut-down session.

Proven Healing Methods

NYC Couples Therapy is based on proven techniques of healthy. Therapists use a proven theory that upholds adult bonding as the primary remedy against relationship challenges. An Affair of the Heart offers a scientific approach to adult bonding during relationships.

Borrowing heavily from expert workshops, we will use the same techniques to help you overcome challenges in your relationship.

Essential Life Skills

Couples Therapy NYC focuses on instilling essential life skills that couples can apply at home. At An Affair of the Heart, we focus so much on learning life skills, and so we will help you acquire them. For instance, if you struggle with effective communication, we will help you learn practical communication skills. In turn, we will allow you to apply the skill learned through practical assignments.

Real-time Assessment and Feedback

Couples Marriage Retreat has the unrivaled benefit of delivering practical feedback through real-time assessment. An Affair of the Heart is one among few retreats that offer a one-on-one interactive session with your coach.

Essentially, you can always report on the progress of your therapy. Similarly, your coach can advise you based on your feedback and not an assumption. We will also recommend additional resources to help you learn the art of harmonious living. Luckily, some of our therapists are seasoned authors who have written valuable content on the whole aspect of marriages and relationships.


An Affair Of The Heart

43 Center St G, Northampton, MA 01060

(413) 210-3739