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How to Clean, Store and Reuse False Lashes

Mar 10

Remove your false lashes. Do not toss them.

We are not going to lie, lashes can get expensive! If you buy a lot of them, they can become quite costly.

You can still use synthetic lashes with proper care.

Desire Ayers is a Beautylish Creative Producer Associate who wears false eyelashes every day. We developed cleaning and storage tips.

Drugstore Cleaning & Storage Guide

Step 1 - Use a small, sterilized tweezer to clean glue from the band. While smaller prongs may lift glue more accurately, they won't be able to remove false lashes.

Second step: Use an oil-free make-up remover on a cotton swab. This will remove any dirt, glue, or mascara.

Tip - Curl your natural eyelashes before applying false lashes To reduce clumpiness, use mascara to seal mascara.

Step 2 Let your eyelashes soak for 5-10 minutes

Step 4 - Dry your eyelashes with a microfiber towel overnight. Step 4 - Brush your lashes with a brush in the morning.

High-End Storage & Cleaning Guide:

Step 1 - Use a small, sterilized tweezer to clean glue from the band. While smaller prongs may lift glue more accurately, they won't be able to remove false lashes.

Step 2 - Apply an oil-free mascara remover to mascara-covered lashes with a cotton swab. Don't submerge in water.

Avoid mascara for high-end lashes. Mascara oils and waxes can cause lash fall by breaking the bond between the hairs and the lash band.

Step 3 - Keep your lashes in their original case With a pair of tweezers, you can lift the lash band and loosen the corners.

For more information visit Lash Expressions.