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Frozen Shoulder Surgery Cape Town

Dec 4

Frozen Shoulder Prevention, Treatment, and Surgery - Dr. CL Steyn Best Shoulder Specialist in Cape Town

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Options for Effective Relief

keywords: frozen shoulder stretching exercises, relief from frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a medical condition that causes the shoulder joint to get stiff. It usually occurs when you sleep on your arm. The symptoms of frozen shoulder are stiffness, pain, and limited movement in the shoulder joint. See a medical professional for clarity, in Cape Town Dr CL Steyn is the top shoulder specialist...

The most common treatment option for frozen shoulder is surgery. There are other options like physical therapy, which may help relieve symptoms over time.

Physical therapy to help with relief from frozen shoulders can include exercises like stretching or muscle massage. These exercises will help with the pain and stiffness of the shoulders but won't be able to provide relief overnight like surgery can provide.

Surgery for frozen shoulder is typically offered during "Stage 2: Frozen." The goal of surgery is to stretch and release the stiffened joint capsule. The most common methods include manipulation under anesthesia and shoulder arthroscopy. Manipulation under anesthesia

Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Cape Town

Pain is treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and steroid injections. Steroid injections and physical therapy can improve your motion. It can take a few weeks to see progress. It may take as long as 6 to 9 months for complete recovery. Physical therapy is intense and needs to be done every day. Left untreated, the condition often gets better by itself within 2 years with little loss of motion.

Risk factors for frozen shoulder, such as diabetes or thyroid problems, should also be treated. Surgery is recommended if nonsurgical treatment is not effective. This procedure (shoulder arthroscopy) is done under anaesthesia. During surgery, the scar tissue is released (cut) by bringing the shoulder through a full range of motion. Arthroscopic surgery can also be used to cut the tight ligaments and remove the scar tissue from the shoulder. After surgery, you may receive pain blocks (shots) so you can do physical therapy.

When to Contact an Orthopaedic Surgeon

If you have shoulder pain and stiffness and think you have a frozen shoulder, contact your health care provider for referral and treatment.

Frozen Sgoulder Prevention

Early treatment may help prevent stiffness. Call your provider if you develop shoulder pain that limits your range of motion for an extended period. People who have diabetes or thyroid problems will be less likely to get frozen shoulder if they keep their condition under control.

frozen shoulder surgery

The Complete Guide to Preventing Frozen Shoulder and How to Deal with the Pain

What is Frozen Shoulder?

keywords: frozen shoulder, shoulder pain, soft tissue inflammation

The Frozen Shoulder Guide is a comprehensive guide to prevention and treatment of frozen shoulder.

It includes information on how it is caused, the best stretches for prevention, treatment options, and the possible consequences. Along with this, you will learn about all of the different types of pain it can cause.

Frozen Shoulder Prevention Tips That Work

keywords: shoulder injury prevention

Shoulder injuries are one of the most common causes of disability and pain in America. It is important to prevent these injuries from occurring in the first place, but often times people do not know how to stop them from happening or what can be done to help speed up the healing process. There are a number of ways that people can prevent shoulder injury and below we will run through some of the best and most effective shoulder injury prevention tips that work.

It is important for everyone who does any kind of manual labor or work that requires repetitive motion to take care of their shoulders. Injuries can happen even when people are careful but it is always better to be safe than sorry!

Dr. CL Steyn Inc - Shoulder Surgeon - Cape Town
G6 Medical Chambers N1 City Netcare Hospital, Goodwood, Cape Town, 7460
Phone: +27215951198