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What You Should Know About Pico Laser

Apr 4

Pico Laser is the fastest laser technology available for treating skin imperfections like age spots, sun spots, melasma, and acne scars. It also works well at permanently removing tattoo inks and scar tissue. The Pico Laser Singapore uses cutting-edge short-pulse laser technology to improve skin texture, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pigmentation irregularities, increase elasticity and tighten skin.

Pico laser treatment is a safe procedure with minimal risk when it is performed by a trained professional. It is a non-invasive treatment with little to no downtime and no side effects other than minor skin redness which is easily remedied. Depending on the severity of your skin concerns, multiple sessions may be required for best results.

Unlike other laser treatments, the Pico laser does not heat the skin with its pulses of light energy, so it is less painful than many other laser-based procedures. Most patients are able to resume their daily activities immediately after their appointment. A topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area if necessary, but most patients find the Pico Laser to be much more comfortable than most other laser-based treatments.

There is a very low risk of infection or scarring from this treatment, as long as you follow the post-procedure care guidelines as instructed by your doctor. Be sure to protect the treated area from direct sunlight and adhere to a good skincare routine to promote healing.

The most common side effect of Pico laser treatment is skin redness which will usually fade within a few hours or a few days. This is because the Pico laser works by internally breaking down the pigmentation of your skin and causing it to fade. Some more stubborn pigments may require additional treatment sessions, but most will be completely resolved after a few sessions.

In some cases, the laser treatment may cause hypopigmentation (lighter skin) in the treated area, especially on darker skin tones. This is typically short-term, but in rare cases, it can be permanent.

Achieving your desired skin appearance with the Pico Laser will require multiple treatment sessions, and it is important to come into each session prepared for this. It is possible to see visible improvements after just one session, but most individuals will need 3-5 sessions in order to see optimal results.

Pico laser treatments are an effective treatment for a wide variety of skin imperfections, including fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and acne scars. In addition to the aesthetic improvements, Pico laser treatments also encourage collagen and elastin production which can lead to a smoother, firmer, and younger looking complexion.

The Pico laser is a groundbreaking advancement in laser treatments, with the ability to treat a wider variety of skin conditions than other types of laser treatment. The Pico laser is very safe and requires no downtime, making it an ideal choice for those who are interested in reducing the appearance of skin imperfections without the need for surgery.